
This page contains resources and links to RiveScript plugins for various things.

Table of Contents:

Chat Clients


This is a script for Hubot that lets you use RiveScript to reply to arbitrary user messages.

You can install it via npm install hubot-rivescript and add it to your Hubot's external-scripts.json file. See the project page for more details:


This is a plugin built for XChat (not tested on HexChat, but should probably work) that uses the Perl RiveScript module.

It appears to turn your HexChat client into a bot of some sort. I wrote this years ago (2010), haven't tried it recently, don't fully remember how it works.

Developer Tools

Code Coverage

  • Python: RiveScript Coverage Plugin is a plugin for which extends that package to measure code coverage for RiveScript files.

Text Editors

Syntax Highlighting

Atom Highlighting

Here are links to syntax highlighting plugins for various text editors that can stylize RiveScript syntax.

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